
Stay Safe

About Us


Who should my contacts be?

Don't forget any PC Archetype is a viable contact! Race/Species/Sub-species considerations separated at the bottom of the page (so there's no "Elven Hitman" -- only "Hitman.")

(Developing Contacts -- some house rule suggestions.)

PC Caliber/Prime Runners

You may preface nearly any of these with "Street".

  • Bodyguard
  • Bountyhunter
  • Combat Mage
  • Covert Ops Specialist
  • Drone Rigger
  • Enforcer
  • Face
  • Gunslinger Adept
  • Hacker
  • Mage
  • Mage Detective
  • Martial Artist/Sensei
  • Mercenary
  • Military Officer (low-grade)
  • Occult Investigator
  • Radical Eco-Shaman
  • Rigger
  • Samurai
  • Shaman
  • Smuggler
  • Technomancer
  • Tribal Warrior
  • Weapon Specialist

Service Industry

  • Accountant
  • Aircraft Mechanic
  • Air-traffic Controller
  • Construction Foreman
  • Construction Worker
  • Dentist
  • Fence
  • Firefighter
  • Fixer
  • Flight Attendant
  • Hairdresser
  • High Stakes Negotiator
  • International Courier
  • Librarian
  • Linguist
  • Masseuse
  • Mechanic (Cars)
  • Mortician
  • Nurse
  • Paramed Shaman
  • Paramedic
  • Psychiatrist
  • Psychologist
  • Research Assistant
  • Researcher
  • School Teacher
  • Sensei
  • Shrink
  • Talislegger
  • Talismonger
  • Technician
  • Tutor
  • Translator
  • Veterinarian
  • Waiter
  • Waitress

Corporate Contacts

You may opt to preface any of the following with "Former" or "Freelance" and/or one of: Corporate, Executive, Wage, Security, Magical Security, Security Specialist or Executive Protection.

  • Adept
  • Analyst
  • Animal Handler
  • Commander
  • Consultant
  • Courier
  • Decker
  • Doctor
  • Engineer
  • Executive
  • Fast Response Officer
  • Guard
  • Headhunter
  • Mage
  • Mage Slave
  • Mailboy
  • Mr. Johnson
  • Ms. Johnson
  • Office Cleaner
  • Officer
  • Official
  • Personnel Security Specialist
  • Rigger
  • Scientist
  • Secretary
  • Specialist
  • System Design Engineer
  • Trainer
  • Wage Mage
  • Wage Slave
  • Whistleblower
  • Window Cleaner


  • Academic
  • Chef
  • Combat Biker
  • Hitman
  • Fisherman
  • Gambler
  • Hermetic Academic
  • Historian
  • Landlord
  • Manager
  • Nun
  • Priest
  • Saboteur
  • Smuggler
  • Sportsman
  • Student
  • Terrorist
  • University Lecturer
  • University Student

Tribe, Policlub, Gang & Mob Contacts

(Some Policlubs: Der Nachtmachen, Humanis, Terra First!, Meta Rights, Mothers of Metahumans, Ork Nation, Ork Rights Committee)


  • Chief
  • Member
  • Shaman

Policlub & Cults

  • Activist
  • Inner-Circle
  • Figurehead
  • Leader
  • Lieutenant
  • Member
  • Organizer

Gangs (Go-Ganger, Elf Poser-Gang)

  • Boss
  • Leader
  • Member


  • Bakulo (Gambler)
  • Decker
  • Koban (Soldier/Bodyguard)
  • Mule (Courier)
  • Oyoban (Boss)
  • Sarakin (Loan Shark)
  • Sokaiya (Corporate Racketeer)
  • Tekiya (Peddler)


  • Former Company Man
  • Company Man
  • Mafia Consiglieri
  • Mafia Don
  • Mafia Soldier
  • Mechanic (Eraser)

Arts & Performing Arts/Entertainment

Some of these can be prefaced with "Live", "Simsense", etc.

  • Actor
  • Agent
  • Artist
  • Author
  • Club Hopper
  • Club Owner
  • Director
  • Editor
  • Entertainer
  • Extra
  • Fan
  • Fashion Designer
  • Fashion Model
  • Graphic Artist
  • Makeup Artist
  • Musician
  • Producer
  • Professional Dancer
  • SFX Tech
  • Sasquatch Entertainer
  • Songwriter
  • Sound Technician
  • Stand-up Comic
  • Star
  • Talent Scout
  • Technician

Street Contacts

Some of these can be prefaced with "Street".

  • Antiquities & Oddities Dealer
  • BTL Dealer
  • Baby Sitter
  • Bartender
  • Beat Cop
  • Bookie
  • Bouncer
  • Cleaner
  • Cop
  • Doc
  • Dockworker
  • Drug Dealer
  • Kid
  • Loan Shark
  • Mage
  • Pedestrian
  • Pimp
  • Private Investigator
  • Prostitute
  • Real-Estate Agent
  • Rocker
  • Samurai
  • Shaman
  • Snitch
  • Squatter
  • Store Owner
  • Taxi Driver
  • Urban Brawler
  • Used-Car Salesman
  • Vendor
  • Wiz Kid Decker
  • Wiz Kid Ganger
  • Wiz Kid Mage

Government & The Law

  • Beat Cop
  • Attorney
  • City Official
  • City Worker
  • Coroner
  • Corporate Lobbyist
  • Customs Officer
  • Detective
  • Diplomat
  • District Attorney
  • Forensic Cop
  • Forensic Mage
  • Former Mage Detective
  • Government Agent
  • Government Official
  • Investigator
  • Lawyer
  • Mage Detective
  • Parole Officer
  • Plain Clothes Cop
  • Police Chief
  • Prison Officer
  • Prison Warden
  • Shark Lawyer

Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

  • Bodyguard
  • Butler
  • Bell Boy
  • Cleaning Lady
  • Club Habitué
  • Driver
  • Hotel Manager
  • Restaurant Maitre'd
  • Stock Broker

News & Media

Can preface any of these with the organization they work for (example: MatrixLeaks), or "Media", "Sports", "News" or "Trid".

  • Advertising Agent
  • Anchor
  • Blogger
  • Cameraman
  • Cybersnoop
  • Decker
  • Editor
  • Entrepreneur
  • Informant
  • Investigator
  • Official
  • Personality
  • Photographer
  • Producer
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Reporter
  • Technician
  • Vidsnoop


May preface these with an optional "Former" and "Military", "Merc", "Tribal" or <corps of service> as desired i.e. "Marine Arms Dealer".

  • Armorer
  • Arms Dealers
  • Dealer (Mercenary Fixer)
  • Intelligence Officer
  • Mercenary
  • Metroplex Guardsman
  • Officer
  • Quartermaster
  • Rigger
  • Seargeant
  • Soldier
  • Special Ops
  • Supply Sergeant
  • Veteran
  • Warrior

"What is it?" - Pick Metatype/Awakened/AI for the contact

Note that the vast majority of folk on the planet are human, that non-human awakened creatures and artificial intelligences are fighting for equal rights in many areas. Taking a non-metahuman contact could hamper your contact's ability to operate freely.

  • Centaur
  • Changelings/SURGE affected*
  • Drake*
  • Dwarf*
    • Gnome, Koborokuru, Menehune, Haruman
  • Elf*
    • Dryad, Night One, Wakyambi, Xapiri Thëpë
  • Free Spirits
  • HMHVV-Infected
  • Human* (Nartaki)
  • Metasapients (AIs)
  • Naga
  • Orc*
    • Hobgoblin, Ogre, Oni, Satyr
  • Pixie
  • Sasquatch
  • Shapeshifters
  • Troll*
    • Cyclops, Fomori, Giant, Minotaur

* Metahuman

Also: Are they a Magicican, Mystic Adept, Adept, Technomancer/Emerged, etc. Not everyone is character-caliber that has some extra juice running through them, but it might come in handy to know that your contact has a little something extra under the hood.

Relationships (How do you know them?)

  • Acquaintance
  • Admirerer
  • Affianced (engaged)
  • Assistant
  • Associate
  • Bar-Friend
  • Benefactor
  • BFF
  • Brother
  • Bunkmate
  • Butler
  • Confidante
  • Correspondant
  • Counselor
  • Courtesan
  • Cousin
  • Daughter
  • Ex-Enemy
  • Ex-<something>
  • Fan
  • Father
  • Fellow Member (of group)
  • Frat Brother/Sister
  • Friend
  • Friend-of-Family
  • Godparent
  • Guardian
  • In-Law
  • Inferior
  • Jail Buddy
  • Lover
  • Mentor
  • Minister
  • Mother
  • Neighbor
  • Networking Buddy
  • Partner
  • Roommate
  • Servant
  • School-Chum
  • Sister
  • Son
  • Soulmate
  • Spouse
  • Subordinate
  • Teacher
  • Trainer
  • Troop-Leader
  • Truant Officer