
Stay Safe

About Us


About Us

Welcome Mr. Johnson,

EVEsList is the place to come to assemble the perfect set of deniable assets to help you achieve your targets this quarter.

Please feel free to set up an anonymous account through our switchboard. When you post, your announcements will be posted with a key code. Runners who reply to your post will be sent the instructions you provide through your switchboard account and your announcement key code. You choose how many assets you would like to respond to your request, and we take care of the rest.

To ensure your privacy, please pay for your postings through CredPal and an anonymous certified credstick or CredPal account.

May your bottom line shrink and your assets grow, EVEsList

To Deniable Assets,

We couldn't do it without you. Please feel free to post your availability under Services Available, or if you prefer not to announce your profile then please feel free to answer ads under the Help Wanted section.

We hope that this is a profitable experience for you! If you find our services helpful, please feel free to Donate.
