
Stay Safe

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Ten Commandments

  1. Hack thou not over thine truly legal commlink, for those who do will surely bring the wrath of the Chief Special Agent down upon their head.
  2. Speak thou not of important matters over thine personal commlink, for to do so is to risk thine right of freedom.
  3. Use not thine own birthname when speaking to others; every third "other" is a government agent.
  4. Let not many people know that thy be a runner; to do so is to offer thine self as a sacrificial lamb.
  5. If thou be in school, strive to get good grades; the authorities well know that scholars never break the law.
  6. If thou work, try to be a good employee and impress thine boss with enthusiasm; important employees are often saved by their own bosses.
  7. Store thou not thine stolen goodes in thine own home. Those who do are surely non-believers in Lone Star Security Forces, and are not long for this world.
  8. Attract thou not the attention of others; the less noticeable thou art, the better.
  9. The best friends are instant amnesiacs and willst not remember thou hast called, or from where, for their cooperation with the authorities willst surely lessen thine time for freedom on this earth.
  10. Support thine contacts, an information pipeline without which thy work would be far more limited.

[Adapted from Peter Bailey in Australia.)